Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

Jumpstart your day with this morning routine to burn belly fat. Incorporate lying knee raises, scissors, and the Spiderman Plank for a dynamic workout that targets your core, helping tone and strengthen while boosting metabolism. Consistency is key for results.

by S Samayanka

Updated Dec 19, 2023

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

Belly Fat

Belly fat, often referred to as visceral fat, is the excess fat accumulated around the abdominal region. Unlike subcutaneous fat, which lies just beneath the skin, belly fat is deeper, surrounding vital organs such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. This type of fat can be detrimental to health, as it releases inflammatory substances and hormones that may contribute to various chronic conditions, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

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The two main types of belly fat are subcutaneous fat, found just beneath the skin, and visceral fat, which is deeper and wraps around internal organs. Factors such as genetics, diet, physical activity, and hormonal changes influence its accumulation. Combating belly fat involves a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes to reduce overall body fat and promote overall well-being.

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

  • Lying Knee Raises

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform lying knee raises, start by lying flat on your back with your legs extended. Place your hands by your sides for support, keeping your lower back pressed into the floor. Lift both legs off the ground, bending your knees at a 90-degree angle. Engage your abdominal muscles and exhale as you raise your knees toward your chest, ensuring your lower back stays on the floor. Inhale as you lower your legs back down, stopping right before they touch the ground. Focus on controlled movements, avoiding any sudden jerks. Aim for 10-15 repetitions, gradually increasing as your strength improves. Lying knee raises effectively target the lower abdominal muscles, helping to tone and strengthen your core. As with any exercise, maintaining proper form is crucial to prevent strain and maximize the benefits.

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  • Scissors

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

Scissor exercises can effectively target and burn belly fat when incorporated into a comprehensive fitness routine. To perform scissors for burning belly fat, lie on your back with hands beneath your hips for support. Lift your legs off the ground, and in a scissor-like motion, alternate raising and lowering each leg. Engage your core muscles throughout to maximize the impact on your abdominal area. Aim for controlled movements and maintain a steady pace. Consistency is key to perform scissors regularly as part of a balanced workout regimen.

Additionally, complement these exercises with a healthy diet, focusing on nutrient-dense foods and staying hydrated. Combining scissor exercises with overall fitness and lifestyle changes can contribute to a more effective and sustainable approach to reducing belly fat and achieving a toned midsection. Always consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine.

  • Spiderman Plank

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

The Spiderman Plank is an effective exercise for targeting belly fat.Start in a traditional plank position, with your body in a straight line from head to heels. As you hold the plank, bring your right knee towards your right elbow, engaging your obliques and creating a twist. Return to the plank position and repeat on the left side. Alternate between right and left for a challenging workout that activates multiple muscle groups.

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Keep your core tight and maintain a steady pace to maximize the fat-burning benefits. The Spiderman Plank not only torches calories but also improves balance and stability. Include it in your routine for a dynamic and engaging way to sculpt your abs and achieve a toned midsection.

  • Plank Rolls

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform Plank Rolls, start in a plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your body in a straight line. Engage your core and roll onto one side, lifting the corresponding arm towards the ceiling. Return to the plank position and repeat on the other side. Keep your movements controlled and maintain proper form to enhance core strength, stability, and flexibility. Aim for a smooth transition between each roll to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

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Focus on breathing steadily throughout the movement to ensure proper oxygen flow. Plank Rolls not only target the core but also engage the shoulders, obliques, and hip muscles. Beginners can modify by performing the rolls from the knees initially, gradually progressing to the full plank position as strength improves. Consistent practice of Plank Rolls can contribute to a stronger, more resilient core and overall functional fitness.

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  • 90 Degree Calf Touch

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform the 90 Degree Calf Touch, start by lying on your back with your legs extended straight. Lift your legs toward the ceiling, keeping them straight and perpendicular to the floor. Engage your core muscles to lift your hips slightly off the ground. Reach your hands toward your calves, aiming to touch them at a 90-degree angle from your torso.

Maintain control and avoid jerky movements to prevent straining your lower back. If flexibility is a challenge, bend your knees slightly, gradually working towards straight legs. This exercise targets the abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abs, and enhances overall core strength. Remember to breathe consistently throughout the movement, and perform the exercise with proper form to maximize its effectiveness while minimizing the risk of injury.

  • V-up

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform a V-up, lie on your back with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body, forming a V shape. Engage your core muscles throughout the movement, and reach your hands toward your toes. Keep your back straight and avoid straining your neck. Exhale as you lift, inhale as you lower. Control the movement to ensure proper form and maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.

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Modify intensity by bending your knees or performing a partial range of motion if needed. Incorporate V-ups into your core workout routine for improved abdominal strength and stability. Remember to consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or concerns about your fitness level.

  • Lying Alternating Knee Raise

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform the Lying Alternating Knee Raise, start by lying on your back on a flat surface with legs fully extended. Place your hands by your sides or under your hips for support. Lift one leg towards your chest while keeping the other extended above the ground. As you lower the raised leg, simultaneously lift the other leg. Maintain a controlled and steady pace, engaging your abdominal muscles throughout.

Ensure your lower back stays pressed against the surface to avoid strain. Repeat the alternating leg lifts for a desired number of repetitions. This exercise targets the core muscles, enhancing strength and stability. Remember to breathe consistently and focus on controlled movements to maximize the effectiveness of the Lying Alternating Knee Raise in building abdominal strength.

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  • Floor V Crunch

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform the Floor V Crunch, start by lying on your back with legs extended and arms stretched overhead. Engage your core muscles and lift your legs and upper body simultaneously, forming a V shape. Aim to touch your toes with your hands while keeping your lower back on the floor. Exhale as you crunch, feeling the contraction in your abdominal muscles.

Hold the position briefly, then lower your legs and upper body back to the starting position without letting them touch the floor. Repeat the movement for a set number of repetitions. Focus on controlled and deliberate movements to maximize effectiveness and minimize strain on your lower back. This exercise targets the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles, contributing to a stronger core and improved overall stability.

  • Hip Raise Bridge

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

To perform a hip raise bridge, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place arms at your sides, palms down. Engage your core and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips towards the ceiling, forming a straight line from shoulders to knees. Ensure your weight is on your heels, not toes. Hold the top position briefly, focusing on the contraction in your glutes. Lower your hips back down, almost touching the ground without resting.

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Repeat for a set of controlled repetitions. This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, promoting stability and strength. Remember to maintain proper form, avoid overarching your lower back, and breathe steadily throughout. It's a valuable addition to a well-rounded fitness routine, aiding in posture improvement and overall lower body strength.

  • Mountain Climber

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat

Mountain climbers are a dynamic and effective full-body exercise that enhances cardiovascular fitness and strengthens various muscle groups. To perform mountain climbers, start in a plank position with hands directly beneath shoulders. Engage your core and bring one knee towards your chest, then quickly switch legs in a running motion. Keep your hips low and maintain a steady pace for maximum benefits. Focus on proper form, ensuring your body forms a straight line from head to heels.

Aim for a smooth, controlled movement to avoid unnecessary strain. Beginners can start with a slower pace and gradually increase speed as they build strength and endurance. Incorporate mountain climbers into your workout routine to elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and sculpt your core, shoulders, and legs. Always prioritize good form and listen to your body to prevent injuries.

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Benefits of Morning Exercises

1. Embrace the tranquility of morning workouts, where the world is still and distractions are minimal. This dedicated "me" time allows you to focus without interruptions from phones, laptops, or family, providing a serene start to the day.

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2. Conquer the summer heat by exercising in the cool morning hours, avoiding the discomfort of midday sun. Whether indoors or outdoors, a morning workout ensures a more pleasant and less sweaty experience, particularly for those who prefer outdoor activities.

3. Seize the day by tackling your workout in the morning, freeing your mind from fitness concerns throughout the day. Instead of juggling exercise around appointments, work, or family commitments, morning workouts allow you to efficiently kickstart your day and allocate time for other responsibilities.

4. Elevate your mood and emotional resilience with morning exercise, creating a positive impact lasting up to 12 hours. Reduced stress hormones contribute to emotional strength, helping you face the day with composure and improved mental well-being.

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5. Boost energy levels instantly with a brief morning exercise, combating fatigue and setting a vibrant tone for the day. While exercise at any time enhances energy, a morning routine jump-starts your day with a burst of vitality.

6. Enhance alertness and focus through morning exercise, adjusting your circadian rhythm for heightened awareness throughout the day. An early workout contributes to increased morning alertness, positively influencing your overall daily performance.

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7. Improve sleep quality by engaging in morning exercise, which promotes higher melatonin levels at night and synchronizes with your circadian rhythm. Elevated daytime alertness facilitates an earlier bedtime, creating a beneficial cycle for consistent morning workouts.

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8. Establish consistency in your fitness routine by incorporating morning workouts, as research suggests morning exercisers are more likely to maintain a sustainable and regular exercise habit.

9. Foster healthier food choices by regulating blood sugar levels through morning exercise, reducing cravings for sugary foods throughout the day. This positive impact on appetite regulation naturally leads to a more balanced and nutritious diet

Do This Every Morning After You Wake Up to Burn Belly Fat - FAQs

1. Why is belly fat considered harmful?

Belly fat, especially visceral fat, releases inflammatory substances and hormones that can contribute to chronic conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

2. What are the main types of belly fat?

Subcutaneous fat is found just beneath the skin, while visceral fat is deeper, surrounding internal organs like the liver and pancreas.

3. Can morning exercises really improve mood for an entire day?

Yes, morning exercise releases endorphins, improving mood for up to 12 hours and reducing stress hormones for emotional resilience.

4. How can morning workouts help with better sleep?

Morning exercise induces higher melatonin levels at night, promoting better sleep and alignment with the body's circadian rhythm.

5. Is it true that exercising in the morning can aid in weight management?  

Yes, morning workouts contribute to better weight management by boosting metabolism, energy levels, and promoting healthier food choices throughout the day.

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