Simple Tips to Wake Up Early Morning

Embrace early mornings with simple habits: adjust bedtime gradually, prioritize 7-9 hours of quality sleep, avoid late-night tech use and snacking, limit sugary drinks, silence your phone, and welcome sunlight. Place your alarm away for a prompt, energizing start.

by S Samayanka

Updated Jan 06, 2024

Simple Tips to Wake Up Early Morning

Simple Tips to Wake Up Early Morning

Adjust Your Bedtime:

  • Try going to bed a bit earlier each night to gradually shift your body's internal clock.
  • Aim for a solid 7-9 hours of sleep to ensure you wake up feeling refreshed.

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Tech Timeout Before Bed:

  • Put away electronic devices like smartphones and laptops at least half an hour before bedtime.
  • The blue light from screens can mess with your body's sleep hormone (melatonin), making it harder to fall asleep.

No Late-Night Snacking:

  • Avoid munching on snacks close to bedtime to prevent issues like acid reflux.
  • If you feel hungry, resist the urge to snack and save your appetite for breakfast.

Cut Down on Sugary Drinks and Caffeine:

  • Limit your intake of sugary drinks, energy drinks, and coffee before bedtime.
  • Too much sugar or caffeine can make it tough to fall asleep, so consider switching to water or tea before hitting the hay.

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Silence Your Phone:

  • Turn off your phone ringer or use the "do not disturb" mode before going to bed.
  • Notifications can disrupt your sleep, and whatever messages or memes you've got can wait until morning.

Say No to All-Nighters:

  • Don't sacrifice a whole night's sleep to finish a task.
  • Lack of sleep not only leaves you groggy but can also impair your cognitive function, similar to being legally drunk. Plan ahead to avoid last-minute rushes.

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Let the Sunshine In:

  • Keep your curtains slightly open when you sleep.
  • This allows natural sunlight to filter in, helping your body wake up more naturally, especially on sunny mornings.

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Move Your Alarm Clock:

  • Place your alarm clock or phone away from your bed.
  • Having to physically get out of bed to turn off the alarm reduces the temptation to hit the snooze button and gets you moving in the morning.

Benefits of Waking Up Early in the Morning

  • Boosted Productivity:Waking up early provides uninterrupted time in the morning, allowing you to be more focused and get things done without distractions.
  • Healthy Eating Habits:Early risers have time to prepare and enjoy a nutritious breakfast, setting the tone for healthier food choices throughout the day.
  • Regular Exercise Routine:Morning exercise boosts energy levels and increases alertness, and it's more likely to be consistent as there are fewer chances of schedule conflicts.
  • Avoiding Traffic Hassles:Rising early helps you beat peak traffic, ensuring a smoother commute and better punctuality for your daily activities.
  • Reduced Stress:Planning your day in the morning reduces stress by providing a calm start, and early risers often have time for relaxing activities, promoting a composed mind.
  • Improved Sleep Quality:Waking up early helps regulate your sleep pattern, leading to better and more restful sleep, contributing to overall well-being.
  • Sustained Energy Levels:Early risers experience higher energy levels in the morning, which gradually decrease throughout the day, promoting a more balanced and consistent energy flow.
  • Happier Lifestyle:The combination of good habits associated with waking up early, such as productivity, healthy choices, and reduced stress, contributes to an overall sense of happiness and well-being.

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Simple Tips to Wake Up Early Morning - FAQs

1. How can I train myself to wake up early?

Gradually adjust your bedtime, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep, and put away electronic devices before sleeping.

2. Why is late-night snacking discouraged?

Late-night snacking may cause issues like acid reflux; it's recommended to resist the urge and save appetite for breakfast.

3. How does limiting sugary drinks and caffeine before bedtime help?

Excessive sugar or caffeine can disrupt sleep; consider switching to water or tea before bedtime for better sleep quality.

4. Why is it essential to silence your phone before bed?

Notifications can disrupt sleep; using "do not disturb" mode or turning off the phone helps maintain a peaceful sleep environment.

5. What's the benefit of keeping curtains slightly open at night?  

Allowing natural sunlight in the morning helps wake up more naturally, especially on sunny days, regulating your circadian rhythm.

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