Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Discover if your thought process is typical or unique with this personality test. Based on your number of options for each image, learn if you lean towards conventional thinking or possess an unconventional, innovative mindset.

by S Samayanka

Updated Feb 12, 2024

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Personality Test

A Personality Test is a psychological assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual's characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It aims to uncover aspects of a person's personality, such as introversion or extroversion, emotional stability, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. These tests often utilize standardized questions and scenarios to measure and categorize various personality traits.

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Employers use them for hiring decisions, while psychologists employ them for therapeutic insights. They're also widely employed in self-discovery and personal development. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five Personality Traits are popular models. While they offer valuable insights, it's important to interpret results with caution, recognizing that personality is complex and can be influenced by various factors, including context and personal growth.

A Simple Personality Test

In the 20th century, psychologists Ellis Paul Torrance and Joy Paul Guilford introduced a distinctive test system that evaluates both intelligence and creative thinking. This test aims to discern whether individuals exhibit conventional or non-standard thinking patterns. To explore your cognitive style, here is a quiz based on Torrance and Guilford's renowned system. Are you inclined towards out-of-the-box ideation, or do you align with conventional thinking? Perhaps, like me, you struggle to locate the proverbial "box." This quiz offers insight into your cognitive approach, shedding light on your propensity for innovation and creativity.

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Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Individuals perceive a candle atop a stand, yet it's essentially a corkscrew inserted into a cork.

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Many perceive it as mere footprints in a circle, but creative minds argue it depicts a parachutist seen from below. This interpretation underscores the complexity of perception and the diverse perspectives that can emerge from imaginative thinking.

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

According to certain original thinkers, this image represents a famished nestling chirping for its parent when viewed from above. Some perceive a basic compass. This discrepancy illustrates the subjective nature of perception and the varied insights that arise from individual observation.

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Upon closer examination, one can discern not only a pair of puddles but also the likeness of a giraffe. This observation highlights the importance of keen observation and the potential for discovering unexpected elements within seemingly mundane scenes.

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What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Creative thinkers assert that amidst other elements, one can discern a bear descending a tree, specifically focusing on its paws. This interpretation underscores the imaginative perspectives individuals can adopt when observing images, emphasizing the diverse narratives that emerge through creative analysis.

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Initially perceived as a car's wheel, an alternative interpretation emerges: it resembles a dancing Mexican individual adorned with a sombrero, when viewed from above.

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What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Initially resembling a savory sausage or a footprint with a distinct arch, an alternate interpretation emerges: it resembles a train emerging from a tunnel, specifically from the frontal perspective.

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What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Initially recognized as a shirt adorned with a bowtie, another perspective emerges: it could depict an awkward waiter trapped between elevator doors, only revealing his tie as he faces a tragic fate. This imaginative interpretation underscores the subjective nature of perception, prompting diverse and creative viewpoints.

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

Car enthusiasts identify a speedometer, physicists argue it's a barometer, while unconventional thinkers perceive a snowman when viewed from above. This variety of interpretations emphasizes the subjective nature of observation and highlights how different perspectives can shape perceptions of the same object.

What Do You See Here?

Personality Test: Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

At first glance, it appears as though someone is concealing themselves behind an object. However, a more intriguing perspective unveils a pair of vigilant guards with dogs, positioned behind a barricade.

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Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical?

If you give 1 to 2 options:

If you've provided one or two options for each picture, your thinking process is considered quite ordinary, as it aligns with the majority. However, don't be discouraged. Challenge yourself with more diverse puzzles and quizzes to nurture abstract thinking. Alternatively, if you quickly jump to the answers without taking the test seriously, you've earned extra points.

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This behavior suggests a curious mindset, a key attribute of genuine creativity. Therefore, regardless of your approach, whether conventional or unconventional, the willingness to explore and inquire remains pivotal in fostering creativity.

If you give 3 to 5 options:

If you provided three to five entirely distinct answers for each picture, without investing excessive time in brainstorming, then you're undoubtedly an unconventional thinker.

Your ability to generate a wide array of creative solutions for any challenge sets you apart. You possess a natural talent for thinking outside the box, effortlessly navigating through various situations with flying colors.

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Your innovative mindset allows you to approach problems from unique angles, consistently delivering outstanding outcomes. Keep up the excellent work, as your unconventional thinking is a valuable asset in tackling any problem with ingenuity and flair.

If you give 6 or more option:

If you generated six or more distinct options for each picture, chances are you're a genius – and this isn't an exaggeration. Your exceptional ability to generate numerous solutions showcases your perseverance and refusal to be constrained by conventional boundaries or clichés. Your mind operates on a level that transcends typical limitations, allowing you to approach challenges with unparalleled creativity and determination.

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Your unwavering commitment to exploring countless possibilities is commendable and reflects the brilliance of your intellect. Keep harnessing your extraordinary mind and continue to rise above any obstacle that comes your way. Your capacity for innovation and resilience sets you apart and promises a future filled with remarkable achievements

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Is Your Thought Process Unique or Typical? - FAQs

1. What is the purpose of the personality test?  

The test evaluates both intelligence and creative thinking to determine if individuals exhibit conventional or non-standard thinking patterns.

2. What are some examples of the images used in the test?

Images include a candle on a stand (actually a corkscrew in a cork), footprints (interpreted as a parachutist), and a shirt with a bowtie (seen as an awkward waiter).


3. How are the interpretations of the images analyzed?

Responses range from conventional to unconventional interpretations, shedding light on the participant's cognitive approach and propensity for innovation.

4. What does it mean if someone provides one or two options for each picture?

It suggests their thinking process aligns with the majority, but they're encouraged to challenge themselves with more diverse puzzles to nurture abstract thinking.

5. What if someone gives six or more options for each picture?  

It indicates exceptional creativity and problem-solving skills, suggesting they may be a genius with a remarkable ability to generate numerous solutions.

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