Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

Discover if you lean towards left or right-brain dominance by assessing your natural inclinations. Left-brained individuals excel in logic and analytical thinking, while right-brained individuals thrive in creativity and intuition, reflecting diverse cognitive strengths and preferences.

by Niranjani

Updated Dec 08, 2023

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

Personality Test

A Personality Test is a psychological assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual's characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It aims to uncover aspects of a person's personality, such as introversion or extroversion, emotional stability, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. These tests often utilize standardized questions and scenarios to measure and categorize various personality traits.

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Employers use them for hiring decisions, while psychologists employ them for therapeutic insights. They're also widely employed in self-discovery and personal development. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five Personality Traits are popular models. While they offer valuable insights, it's important to interpret results with caution, recognizing that personality is complex and can be influenced by various factors, including context and personal growth.

Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

Determining whether you lean towards left or right-brain dominance involves understanding your cognitive strengths and preferences. According to the left-brain/right-brain dominance theory, the left side excels in logic, language, and analytical thinking, while the right side shines in expressive and creative tasks. To identify your dominance, consider your natural inclinations. If you enjoy problem-solving, organized thinking, and linguistic pursuits, you may lean left-brained.

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On the other hand, a preference for creativity, intuition, and artistic expression may suggest right-brain dominance. However, it's crucial to note that this theory is a broad generalization, and individuals often utilize both hemispheres collaboratively. While these tendencies can provide insights into personal strengths, they don't rigidly categorize individuals. Embracing a holistic approach to thinking and appreciating the diverse functions of both brain hemispheres can foster a more comprehensive understanding of cognitive processes.

A Simple Personality Test to Test Your Left or Right Brain Dominance

  1. I Would Prefer?

A. Solving Fun Puzzle or Math Problem

B. Playing Music or Drawing

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. It's Easier for Me to Remember People by?

A. Their Name

B. Their Face

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. Fold Your Hand Which Thumb is on Top?

A. Right

B. Left

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. When Taking a Test Which Style of Question Do You Prefer?

A. Objective (True/false or Multiple Choice

B. Subjective (Discussion)

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. Cross Your Leg Which Leg is on Top?

A. Right

B. Left

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. When You Listen to a New Song You Are More Interested in the?

A. Lyrics

B. Melody or Rhythm

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. Based on Your Opinion Do You Have a Good Imagination?

A. No

B. Yes

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. Which Direction the Dancer Spin?


B. Anti-clockwise

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

  1. Usually, I Judge Something Based on?

A. Logical Reason That Came Up to My Mind

B. My Feelings Toward That Thing

Personality Test: Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance?

What Did You Choose More of A or B?

If you have choose more of option A:

Opting for more choice A's suggests a preference for left-brain dominance, indicating a set of cognitive characteristics. In this scenario, you are likely to possess qualities such as logical thinking, meticulous planning, and a rational approach to problem-solving. Your inclination towards puzzles and an analytical thinking style further underscores your cognitive profile.

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Essentially, this pattern of choices implies a cognitive orientation that is methodical, systematic, and reliant on reason. You are someone who thrives on structured thought processes, making decisions based on careful analysis, and finding enjoyment in the intricacies of puzzles. This inclination towards left-brain dominance suggests a preference for order, precision, and a calculated approach to various aspects of life and cognition.

If you have choose more of option B:

If you find yourself selecting more option B's, you exhibit right-brain dominance. This means you possess a creative, intuitive, and emotional nature. Your affinity for art and your inclination as a free thinker further accentuate these qualities. Right-brain dominance suggests a preference for holistic thinking, allowing you to see the bigger picture and approach challenges with a unique perspective.

Your creativity likely extends beyond conventional boundaries, and your intuitive instincts guide your decision-making. Embracing emotions and appreciating artistic expressions are integral aspects of your personality. In essence, a surplus of option B's signifies a rich tapestry of right-brained attributes, contributing to a vibrant and imaginative approach to life.

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Are You Left or Right Brain Dominance? - FAQs

1. What is a Personality Test?  

A personality test is a psychological tool designed to assess an individual's behavior, thoughts, and emotions to uncover characteristic patterns.

2. Why are Personality Tests Used?    

They are utilized for hiring decisions, therapeutic insights, and personal development, providing a framework to understand traits like introversion, extroversion, emotional stability, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness.

3. What are Left and Right Brain Dominance?

Left-brain dominance involves logic and analytical thinking, while right-brain dominance is associated with expressive and creative tasks.

4. How to Identify Left or Right Brain Dominance?  

Consider natural inclinations, such as enjoying problem-solving and linguistic pursuits for left-brained, and creativity, intuition, and artistic expression for right-brained.

5. What Does Choosing More Option A or B in the Simple Personality Test Suggest?

Opting for more A's suggests left-brain dominance, indicating logical thinking and meticulous planning, while more B's indicate right-brain dominance, reflecting a creative and intuitive nature.

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