Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

Explore the intricate ways your personality manifests through daily habits. From clothing preferences and shopping habits to walking styles and written words, uncover the rich tapestry of your true self in ordinary actions.

by S Samayanka

Updated Jan 24, 2024

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

Personality Test

A Personality Test is a psychological assessment tool designed to evaluate an individual's characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It aims to uncover aspects of a person's personality, such as introversion or extroversion, emotional stability, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. These tests often utilize standardized questions and scenarios to measure and categorize various personality traits.

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Employers use them for hiring decisions, while psychologists employ them for therapeutic insights. They're also widely employed in self-discovery and personal development. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five Personality Traits are popular models. While they offer valuable insights, it's important to interpret results with caution, recognizing that personality is complex and can be influenced by various factors, including context and personal growth.

7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

  1. Clothing preference

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

Clothing choices serve as a reflection of one's personality, extending beyond mere practicality to impact self-image. A study by Erickson and Sirgy (1992) uncovered that career-oriented individuals lean towards formal, business-like attire, reinforcing their self-image. Similarly, research from the University of Manchester found that those opting for casual clothing often possess non-conforming attitudes, seeking to amplify their sense of freedom.

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Socially conscientious individuals tend to favor evening-style outfits, while those with conventional personalities opt for formal wear characterized by a lack of color and design. Essentially, the way people dress becomes an expression of their individuality, echoing back to ancient civilizations where clothing served functional purposes like warmth and dryness. Today, it remains pivotal in shaping self-perception and conveying aspects of one's character.

  1. Shopping habits

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

When it comes to purchasing a new pair of shoes from a favored brand, do you opt for online shopping or prefer the physical store? Breazeale and Lueg's study delves into the shopping behaviors of teenagers, highlighting that extroverted individuals tend to spend more time and money at malls, favoring offline experiences over online alternatives.

Additionally, Gohary and Hanzaee's research indicates a correlation between impulsive buying and neurotic tendencies, suggesting that those who impulsively shop may be more prone to psychological distress, possibly stemming from the belief that shopping offers a temporary escape from mental unease. The choice between online and offline shopping not only reflects personal preferences but also intersects with personality traits and coping mechanisms, contributing to the intricate tapestry of individual shopping habits.

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  1. Professional stress

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

When confronted with workplace stressors, how do you characterize your response? Do you see it as a challenge or view it through a negative lens? Research by Chen and Spector indicates a connection between personality and one's perception of the work environment. Specifically, individuals with heightened conscientiousness or those prone to anxiety over minute details are more likely to perceive their work environment as stressful. For instance, those with neurotic tendencies, characterized by heightened sensitivity and anxiety about minor issues, are inclined to interpret their professional surroundings as stressful.

This study underscores the interplay between individual personality traits and the subjective experience of professional stress, emphasizing the importance of understanding how varying dispositions influence one's outlook in the face of workplace challenges.

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  1. The way you walk

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

Have you ever observed the diverse ways people walk, noting heavy stomping, strong lunging steps, or slow, soft strides? A study in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior reveals intriguing connections between walking styles and personality traits. Individuals exhibiting high physical aggression demonstrate greater relative movement between the upper and lower body, resulting in an assertive and exaggerated walking motion.

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Additionally, research by Cesario and McDonald suggests that extroverted personalities are inclined to walk confidently, while a slow and soft-stepped gait, coupled with avoiding eye contact, may indicate a more introverted and polite disposition. This study not only unveils the link between the nuances of walking and personality traits but also provides an insightful perspective on how observable behaviors can offer glimpses into one's character.

  1. Daily routines

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

Your everyday to-do list can unveil intriguing facets of your personality, according to a study by Chapman and Goldberg. Examining nearly 800 individuals in Oregon, USA, the research correlated personality traits with daily activities, shedding light on unique behavioral patterns. The study revealed that one's degree of agreeableness is reflected in the type of chores they engage in; those higher in agreeableness are inclined towards domestic tasks like ironing and dishwashing, driven by a motivation to ensure others' happiness.

Additionally, agreeable individuals are more prone to singing in the shower or car. Extroverted personalities, on the other hand, allocate their time to planning parties, engaging in phone conversations, and orchestrating future adventures. This research not only connects personality traits with daily routines but also highlights how mundane activities can serve as windows into one's underlying character.

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  1. Hobbies

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

Ever pondered why certain leisure activities captivate your free time and what they reveal about your personality? Research sheds light on these connections. According to a study by Eysenck, Nias, and Cox, extroverted individuals are inclined towards sporting activities during their leisure hours. Additionally, findings from Wilkinson and Hansen's study suggest that those open to new experiences gravitate towards cultural-aesthetic leisure pursuits, encompassing cultural arts, literature, and writing.

Whether you find solace in fictional realms or engage in tennis matches, your leisure choices offer insights into your personality. This research underscores the diverse preferences individuals exhibit in their hobbies, emphasizing the nuanced relationship between leisure activities and distinct personality traits.

  1. Written words

Personality Test: 7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality

According to a theory proposed by K Amend et al. (1981), specific aspects of written words, such as slant, writing pressure, connecting strokes, and spaces between lines, can reveal distinct characteristics of the writers. For instance, individuals who write with a vertical slant are likely to find it easy to control their emotions, while a moderate left slant may indicate difficulty expressing emotions.

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Those who desire constant control and struggle with self-rejection tend to exhibit an extreme left slant. Conversely, individuals who can readily articulate their emotions and opinions often display a moderate left slant. Moreover, the size of letters and the placement of dots on "i's" can convey additional traits. This theory offers a fascinating perspective on how seemingly subtle elements in written words can provide insights into the emotional and psychological nuances of the writers.

7 Habits That Reveals Your True Personality - FAQs

1. How can clothing choices reflect personality?

Clothing choices express individuality, with formal attire often linked to career-oriented personalities, while casual wear may indicate a desire for freedom.

2. What role do shopping habits play in personality assessment?

Shopping habits, whether online or offline, reveal traits; extroverts favor malls, while impulsive buyers may exhibit neurotic tendencies.

3. How does professional stress connect to personality traits?

Individual responses to workplace stressors vary based on personality; heightened conscientiousness or neurotic tendencies can influence perceptions of stress.

4. What insights can walking styles offer about personalities?

Walking styles, like assertive or confident strides, may indicate traits such as physical aggression for some, or introversion for those with a slow, soft-stepped gait.

5. How do daily routines reflect personality traits?  

Daily routines, influenced by agreeableness or extroversion, showcase individual preferences, from domestic chores for agreeable individuals to party planning for extroverts.

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